Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Yet another boring holiday

 Hey it's me again, today I have something to share about my holiday, so my family decided to go to Tasikmalaya at holiday in order to "Pulkam" but the thing is that I don't go with them, instead I stay at my home because I like it better here, and yes, my sister is also there, she's sometimes annoying when she's in her bad mood.

Oh.. maybe you're wondering why in tarnation do you prefer to stay at home??? ah.. classic, it's just so that I can play game alone, no one bothers me at that time because I'm the only person at home, because my sister went to her friend's house. No guitars though, because I broke the string while down tuning my guitar to play "Kickstart my Heart", oh wow, cool, you snapped the string, how about buy a new one? no, I don't want to go outside yet. So yeah, most of the time is just staying home, playing mainly Team Fortress and a little bit of Terraria. Even though I'm alone at home, there's someone that I've been texting almost everyday, which just make my day better, she's really kind :)

What about my room, is there something interesting about it? hence I lock myself there? yeah.. and no, so the cool thing about my room is that THERES AN EMPTY ROOM, like.. yeah an empty room, I've been planning to make that empty room a "music room" for my bedroom, like adding some noise-absorbing wall, forgot what that thing is called but yea, it basically absorbs the noise coming from inside, so that my neighbors won't be bothered when I play a loud metal song. And I probably would paint my room and the empty room purple pastel, such a great color, I love purple color :D . And then, in my room, there's a bed, its unnecessarily big for a single person, which I've been telling my dad to switch to a smaller one, there's also two instruments hanging on the wall, acoustic guitar and bass. There's a painting on the wall, my sister made it on a canvas and I just put it on my wall, it looks great.

Now, here we go.. my computer, my computer ain't that great but it's been with me for years, still hasn't broken till now B) anyway, I mostly play game, watch YouTube, and coding. For the game, I mostly play Team Fortress 2, it's a great game, but abandoned by their own developer which is pretty sad. And for the YouTube, I mostly watch memes, horror games and Team Fortress 2 gameplay. For the coding, I mainly code in JavaScript and Python for now, although I don't code much as used to.

How do I eat when home alone?? you can cook???? I can cook fried rice and noodle B) and if not, I'll just go outside and buy some Ayam Geprek, taste great and doesn't cost a lot of money. Oh yeah forgot to mention how can I go outside?? funny thing is, my parents allowed me to use their bike this holiday, which I thought it would be awesome to meet my friend from junior highschool, we haven't met for a really long time, he's one of the based guy I've ever met, he's also hella chill and kind. He went to rumah guguk petshop as I asked him to meet me there, and then we went to SMAN 3 yeahh, I introduced him my school I'm currently in, like some tour I think. Right after that we chill and eat noodle while we share our story!! :D And do you know what day is it when we met??? YOU GUESSED IT, IT'S THEIR ANNIVERSARY, yes, relationship anniversary with his girlfriend, then we just bought some small gift for his girlfriend, and yea we went to his girlfriend house and he gave it to her, right after that we met our other friend. then we went to drink cold coffee before we go back to our home.

Then. when 2023 is coming, I bought some marshmallow and then watch fireworks as I put my marshmallow on a fire, I also cook an instant noodle there, not on a stove B)

What a holiday.

Hirohiko Araki My Idol

My idol is Hirohiko Araki, he is a manga artist, the most well-known for his long-running series “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure”, which began it’...